Übersetzung Reneers Guard Overhaul v2.08 2.08

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  1. Shadow-King

    Shadow-King Reisender

    !!!Version 2.08 Übersetzt!!!



    Hallo Leute.
    Hier ist sie nun, meine nähste Übersetzung.

    Titel: Reneers Guard Overhaul
    Version: 2.08
    Benötigt: Oblivion 1.2.416
    Optional: OBSE, Pluggy
    Autor: Reneer
    Übersetzer: Shadow-King , Neurosis404
    Kategorie: Verschiedenes / Overhauls

    Was macht die Modifikation?

    Die Mod ist ein sehr umfangreiches Overhaul der Wachen und des Kopfgeldsystemes. Sie ist nach beliben einstellbar, wenn z.B jemand kein Regionales Kopfgeld, kann er es Ausschalten, oder wenn jemand findete, dass die Strafen für ein Verbrechen zu Hoch / zu tief sind, kann man das Kpfgeld für diese Strafe erhöhen / senken.

    Hier ein kleiner Überblick was alles Möglich ist, was verändert wurde:

    - Wenn Ihr eine Wache attackiert, wissen die Anderen Wachen nichts davon. (Andere Wachen werden nur dann eingreifen, wenn sie den Kampf beobachten).

    - Wenn ihr vor den Wachen davon lauft, werden sie euch nicht mehr bis ans Ende von Tamriel verfolgen.

    - Wenn ihr ins Gefängnis gesteckt werdet und ausbrecht, werden die Wachen eher versuchen, euch zu töten, als zu versuchen euch wieder zu verhaften.

    - Wenn ihr es schafft, alle Wachen zu töten, die euer Verbrachen mitbekommen haben, verschwindet euer Kopfgeld.

    - Jede Stadt hat nun ihr eines Kopfgeld. (An und Aus stellbar)

    - Die verschiedenen Verbrechen bleiben unterschiedich lange in Erinnerung (Errinerung für jedes Verbrechen ist seperat einstellbar)

    - Die Höhe des Kopfgeldes für jedes Verbrechen, ist Seperat einstellbar.

    - Mann kann Leichen mit einem speziellen zauber "Tragen"

    - Wenn ihr eine Wache genug verletzt und keine andere zur Unterstützung in der Nähe ist, werden sie vor euch fliehen, bevor sie stirbt.

    - Es gibt verkleidungen für fast alle Fraktionen Cyrodiils

    - Von euch werden nun Steckbriefe in Cyrodiil aufgehängt.
    wenn euer Kopfgeld in einer Region über 1.000 Goldstücke steigt.

    - Es ist möglich, Wachen zu bestechen, damit sie ihren Posten verlassen.

    -Und noch einiges mehr,

    Alles weitere steht in der ...

    Reneers Guard Overhaul v2.08 DV

    1. Archivinhalt
    2. Beschreibung/Features
    3. Vorraussetzungen
    4. Installation/Deinstallation/Update
    6. Kompatibilitätsprobleme
    7. Changelog
    8. Credits

    1. Archivinhalt:



    2. Beschreibung/Features:

    Diese Mod ändert das Verhalten der Wachen. Sie modifiziert die Reaktion auf die Verbrechen, die der Spieler begeht.
    Wenn Ihr eine Wache attackiert, wird sich nur diese eine Wache verteidigen (Andere Wachen werden nur dann eingreifen,
    wenn sie den Kampf beobachten). Wenn ihr vor den Wachen davon lauft, werden sie euch nicht mehr bis ans Ende von
    Tamriel verfolgen. Wenn ihr ins Gefängnis gesteckt werdet und ausbrecht, werden die Wachen eher versuchen, euch zu
    töten als euch zurückzustecken.

    Wenn ihr es schafft, alle Wachen zu töten, die euer Verbrachen mitbekommen haben, verschwindet euer Kopfgeld.

    Wenn ihr eine Wache aus der Distanz angreift und diese euch nicht direkt sieht, wird sie anfangen, euch zu suchen.
    Während sie das tut wird sie andere Wachen zur Unterstützung rufen. Wenn eine von diesen euch findet und ihr eure
    Waffe gezogen habt, wird sie versuchen, euch ins Gefängnis zu stecken.

    Wenn eine Wache merkt, dass ihr herumschleicht, wird sie euch solange folgen, bis ihr wieder normal lauft.

    Jede Stadt hat nun ihr eines Kopfgeld; Wenn ihr jemanden in Choroll attackiert, dann wissen die Wachen aus Cheydinhal
    davon nichts.

    Die verschiedenen Verbrechen bleiben unterschiedich lange in Erinnerung (Standardmäßig von einem Tag für einen Diebstahl
    bis zu sieben Tagen für einen Mord). Diese Werte können problemlos durch anlegen des Konfigurationsringes geändert

    Um euch beim Leichen wegschleppen/verstecken zu helfen, gibt eines "Leichen tragen" Zauber (Eine Telekinese Zauber
    der nur Leichen bewegen kann). Der Zauber wird automatisch dem Spieler hinzugefügt. Einfach während ihr schleicht
    den Zauber auf eine Leiche sprechen und ihr könnt sie fort tragen. Geht zum ablegen einfach aus dem Schleichmodus
    und die Leiche landet auf dem Boden. Wenn der Körper nicht fallen sollte, dann benutzt die "Greifen"-Taste. Aber
    vorsicht: Wenn ihr einen Zivilisten (Definiert als "nicht böser NPC") tragt und eine Wache euch sieht, wird sie
    versuchen, euch ins Gefängnis zu stecken, da sie denkt, ihr habt die Person getötet.

    Wenn ihr eine Wache genug verletzt und keine andere zur Unterstützung in der Nähe ist, werden sie vor euch fliehen,
    bevor sie stirbt.

    Steckbriefe werden nun in Cyrodiil aufgehängt (Sie spiegln nicht das exakte Gesicht des Spieler wieder). In weiteren
    Vesionen werden sie Einfluss darauf haben, wie die NPCs auf euch reagieren. Diese Steckbriefe werden nur erscheinen,
    wenn euer Kopfgeld in einer Region über 1.000 Goldstücke steigt.

    Es gibt Verkleidungen, die ihr ingame benutzten könnt, um euch vor den Wachen zu verstecken. Diese Verkleidungen
    können bei Jensine's "So-Gut-Wie-Neu" gekauft werden.

    Kämpfergilde, Magiergilde, Diebesgilde, Imperiale Legion, Adel, Dunkle Bruderschaft, Mystische Morgenröte,
    Dunkelforst-Rotte, Klingen, Palastwache, Bettler, Banditen und Totenbeschwörer.

    Jede Verkleidung hat ihr eigenes Kopfgeld, Ruhm und Infamie. Wenn ihr Verkleidungen wechselt, habt ihr nicht mehr das
    Kopfgeld/den Ruhm/die Infamie, die auf der Verkleidung war bis ihr diese wieder anlegt. Ausserdem könnt ihr die
    Verkleidung nicht wechseln, wenn ihr von einem NPC oder einer Kreatur entdeckt worden seid. Das gilt leider auch für
    Companions wie z.B. Alba.

    Wenn ihr gefasst werdet/ins Gefängnis geht und ihr die eine Verkleidung anhabt, dann wird das Kopfgeld, das "auf" der
    Verkleidung ist, zu eurem normalen hinzugefügt; Das heißt, ihr habt euer bisheriges Kopfgeld PLUS das von der Verkleidung.

    Wenn ihr eine Verkleidung einer bestimmten Gilde tragt (z.B. Magiergilde) und ihr seid NICHT Mitglied in dieser Gilde, dann
    könnt ihr diese "infiltrieren", allerdings nur im niedrigsten Rang. Das heißt dann, ihr könnt in abgesperrte Bereiche
    gehen ohne Stress zu bekommen. Aber die Sache hat einen kleinen Haken. Wenn ein Hochrangiger NPC aus dieser Fraktion euch
    sieht in der Verkleidung (Sie sind mit einer Aura markiert, so könnt ihr sie leicht erkennen) wird er die Wachen rufen, da
    er weiß, dass ihr kein Gildenmitglied seid.

    Es ist ebenso möglich, Wachen zu bestechen, damit sie ihren Posten verlassen. Wollt ihr zum Beispiel einen Laden ausrauben
    und eine Wache sitzt davor, bestecht sie einfach und sie wird weggehen. Wenn die Wache euch jedoch sieht, wenn ihr ein
    Verbrechen begeht, dann wird sie euch festnehmen.

    Wachen können nun auch NPCs verhaften, wenn sie ein Verbrechen begehen und das Gold nicht bezahlen können. Der NPC wird
    zum nächstgelegenen Gefänngis eskortiert und für einige Tage dort eingesperrt, je nach dem was er getan hat. Falls der NPC
    das Gold zum bezahlen seines Kopfgeldes hat, dann wird er das auch zahlen.


    3. Vorraussetzungen:

    Oblivion 1.2.416 und die Fähigkeit, die Mod zu installieren ;)
    RenGuardOverhaulSiveringIsland.esp wird nicht mehr benoetigt.


    4. Installation/Deinstallation/Update:

    Entpackt die RenGuardOverhaul.esp, RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp und RenGuardOverhaul.bsa in eure Oblivion\data Verzeichnis.
    Startet Oblivion und macht unter "Data Files"einen Haken vor die 2 .esp's. Im Spiel könnt ihr dann den Ring equippen (Er wird
    automatisch wieder abgelegt) und die Einstellungen vornehmen.

    Achtet bei der Deinstallation bitte darauf, dass ihr keine Verkleidung mehr anhabt. Eventuell entstehen dadurch Probleme mit
    eurem Ruhm/eurer Infamie.

    Fügt bei einer neuren Version einfach die aktuelle ein den Oblivion\Data Ordner ein und überschreibt das alle Dateien.


    5. HINWEISE:

    MACHT EIN SAVEGAME BACKUP! Man kann es nicht oft genug sagen, aber wenn euch etwas an euren Saves liegt, macht ein Backup. In
    dieser Mod laufen einige Scripte und greifen massiv in den Spielverlauf ein, also sichert eure Saves!

    Diese Mod hat einen Debugmodus, der alles mitloggt, was die Mod grade macht. Ich habe angefangen, das auch zu übersetzen, bis
    ich gemerkt habe, dass das eigentlich recht sinnlos ist, da der Durchschnittsspieler von diesem Debugmodus eh nie etwas mitbekommt.


    6. Kompatibilitätsprobleme:

    Da diese Mod das Kopfgeldsystem total verändert und erweitert, wird sie höchstwahrscheinlich mit jeder anderen ähnlichen Mod
    (z.B. Regionales Kopfgeldsystem) NICHT kompatibel sein.


    7. Changelog

    2.08 - Shivering Isles Patch no longer required. Removed parts of code that were possibly interfering with proper mod start up. Removed unused NPCs from the mod. Cleaned up mod description a little. Tested attacking guards, attacking NPCs, pickpocketing from Guards and pickpocketing from NPCs. All behavior was normal.
    2.07 - Fixed Shivering Isles bug (may need to reset crime gold via Configuration Ring). Fixed Shady Sam selling disguises. Fixed an issue with the mod getting stuck in an on/off loop (which was causing console spam).
    2.06 - Fixed issues with NPCs / creatures standing stock still (or at least I can't reproduce the bug anymore). Fixed some easter eggs so that they actually trigger now. Shady Sam should now properly sell the disguises.
    2.05 (Costa Rica edition) - Fixed issues with unclean dialog.
    2.04 - Fixed issues with Guards not reacting to player attacking them. Fixed issue with dialog (was trying out a new way to detect crimes, which didn't work). Shady Sam now sells the Disguises instead of Jensine. Fixed some issues with NPCs not fleeing properly.
    2.03 - Fixed issues with Configuration Menu values not sticking. Fixed issues with CTD regarding GetAlarmed (completely removed it). Fixed issues with actors not fleeing properly (changed to ModActorValue instead of messing around with packages / ForceFlee).
    2.02 - Fixes a CTD that pops up if an actor is killed using a script / console kill command.
    2.01 - Fixes for Guard issues (guards not attacking, guards not arresting the player).
    2.0 - Whole lot of changes in this one. Completely redesigned crime-system that relies on NPC detection of crimes instead of PC stats. Fixed issues with Guards constantly greeting the player / going into dialog. Fixed some minor issues with the Configuration Menu (Bribe / Guards Follow Player was mixed up). Added in a new Easter Egg.
    1.98 - Fixed issues with Guards constantly spamming the player (this was due to Package issues causing the Guards to act funky). Added in a new Easter Egg.
    1.97a - Fixed a major bug in the mod, which essentially stopped it from working altogether. If you are running 1.97, this is a required update.
    1.97 - Fixed issues with Guards not fighting the player. Fixed an issue with Guards attacking NPCs instead of the player. Added in some new ways to bribe the Guards (unlikely, but under the right circumstances it will happen. Voiced and everything, but remember to extract the improved BSA file!)
    1.96d - Fixed issues with guards not arresting the player. Fixed issues with civilians following the player while fast traveling. Fixed some issues with crime detection and Misc stats. Cleaned up debugging output.
    1.96c - Fixed issues with Guards not attacking the player. Fixed issue with Arena NPCs constantly fleeing. Cleaned up debug messages. Fixed some rather unlikely bugs that didn't seem to occur too often.
    1.96b - Fixed issues with the crime-rings being reset at improper times. NPCs will follow the player if you pickpocket from them.
    1.96a - NPCs will follow you if you steal from their interiors, continually shouting for the guards. Fixed some issues with the mod adding 1 gold bounty to the player each time a crime was committed.
    1.96 - Finally fixed issues with guards 'greeting' the player, after some wonderful help from -pk-.
    1.95 - Added in more checks for guards trying to arrest the player (should keep guards from running up and 'greeting' the player.) Issues with civilians shouting about crimes days after the fact should be fixed now.
    1.94 - Fixed issues with some quest-specific NPCs being able to escape from jail cells. Hopefully fixed an issue with scripts not responding (and thus breaking the mod.) Fixued issue with the Thieves Guild quest item not working properly. Cleaned up some unused records. Those who still have issues with guards not responding properly should clean-save the mod.
    1.93 - Fixed issue with civilians and guards not swimming properly. Fixed an issue with guards not remembering previous crimes they had witnessed. Modified guard detection routine slightly, which should provide more realism. Fixed major issues with ModCrimeGold usage - any Modcrimegold use is now considered 'global' and all guards will know of that specific bounty. Removed all code that modifies infamy and fame (except via the Disguise system) - this should be added back in a later release. Added more debugging information, including an output of all running mods in RGODebugFile.txt.
    1.92 - Fixed issues with pickpocketing not be properly detected. Fixed issues with guards not properly arresting civilians. Modified some of the conditions to make guards get back on their horse. Made RGO compatible with PiiiP (RGO will disable it's own Z-key code and allow PiiiP to function properly.) Fixed the 'highest bounty' issue. Added in more debug messages.
    1.91 - Fixed issues of Guards not functioning properly (this was due to the new Horse Code I put in in version 1.90. Always remember to check your reference variables, kids.) Also, Civilians will also no longer drown themselves if player is being sneaky and using waterbreathing.
    1.90 - Tested and fixed the 3rd party crimegold scripts. 3rd party mods can now add crime gold, remove crime gold, and modify crime gold (tested and shown to work properly now.) Also added a very obvious easter egg.
    1.89b - Finally fixed the ModCrimeGold issues. Made some changes / fixes to the '3rd party mod' scripts. Fixed some odd bugs caused by the new system for Guards knocking out the player.
    1.89a - Fixed issues with other mods using ModCrimeGold, which would cause RGO to go into an infinite loop that would continuously add crime-gold to the player. Fixed an issue with the '3rd party mod' scripts, so now 3rd party mods should now be able to add and remove crime-gold so long as they follow 'proper' procedures. Fixed an issue with guards knocking out the player - this feature will only be enabled if you are just starting the mod for the first time, or reset the mod to defaults, or change the setting back to true.
    1.89 - Fixed issues with NPCs voicing wrong crimes. Fixed issue with exponentially increasing bounty. Fixed issue with infamy going up and down at random times. Added in a new system so third party mods can add and remove crime-gold in an easy manner. Third party modders will want to look at the RenCrimeThirdMod script for examples.
    1.88c - Fixed a problem with wildly increasing bounty, and should stop some odd behavior when NPCs flee from the player and are attacked by Guards.
    1.88b - Fixed an issue with lockpicking that would always add bounty to the player.
    1.88a - Fixed a problem when RGO was running in OBSE mode. This should fix the in-game instant-CTD issue that many people were experiencing.
    1.88 - Fixed problems with NPCs not caring about stealing. Found and fixed a major issue with the OBSE / non-OBSE transition system. Some users may need to clean-save RGO in order to have the mod function properly. Added in some extra debugging information (named the Crime Rings, which shouldn't appear on-screen unless Debug Mode is enabled, or there is a glitch in the mod.)
    1.87a – This release should fix many of the problems that people were having with RGO not working properly. The problem was I forgot to encapsulate OBSE code, so it always ran, which would crash games not running OBSE.
    1.87 – A lot of behind-the-scenes changes. Nothing really noticeable in-game, though.
    1.86 – RGO should play nice now with other mods that modify Crime Gold / have Guards attack the player – or at least not cause as many inconsistencies. Fixed a problem with NPCs going to jail. Fixed a problem where Guards would accost the player even if the player had not committed a crime. Fixed a problem with Pay Fine not working properly. Modified permissions / legal stuff.
    1.85 – Added in Russian translation by Antrix. Fixed some problems where companions / NPCs would not be arrested properly.
    1.84a – Fixed problems with Configuration Menu.
    1.84 – Added in Japanese translation by Aryn. Added in Spanish translation by migck. Fixed problems with getting out of Skingrad jail. Fixed a problem where crime-gold would be erroneously reset.
    1.83a – Updated Legal Stuff / Disclaimer, fixed a major bug that was causing bounties to be forgotten as soon as the player was out of sight of Guards.
    1.83 – Centralized the text portion of the Configuration Menu into one script so that it makes it easy for people to translate it from English into other languages (but these script translations will need to be sent to me.) Removed dependencies on many dialogue options (but not all) so that users running non-English versions of Oblivion can hear it in their own language.
    1.82a – Fixed problems with the Pluggy Debugging system. The file will now be properly erased every time Oblivion is started. Added in more debug messages in order to help diagnose more problems with the mod.
    1.82 – Changed Configuration Ring to a Misc Item, fixed problem with Imperial Corruption quest, added in code to detect when RGO is no longer running alongside OBSE / Pluggy, fixed problems with some variables not resetting to defaults when requested. RGO will now truncate the RGODebugFile.txt file every time user opens Oblivion, thus stopping the file from growing too large.
    1.81 – Did a whole lot of testing (miigwetch throttlekitty!) and hopefully fixed many of the problems with Guards not arresting / guards arresting too much / bounties not working properly, etc.
    1.8a – Fixed some problems with the new Pluggy support. Added in more debug info.
    1.8 – Added in OBSE / Pluggy support. Added in a console command to remove / stop all the Easter Eggs in the mod. Added an option in the Configuration Menu to disable Civilian Rings.
    1.79b - Added in more debug messages whenever a Guard speaks to the player. Need to set RenGuardDebug.debuglevel to 1 in order to see these messages. Fixed some problems with Guards following the player when sneaking / having a weapon out.
    1.79a – Fixed some bugs with an easter egg. Fixed some errant messages appearing when they shouldn't. Fixed problem with NPC vendors returning after being attacked, allowing you to easily kill them.
    1.79 – Should hopefully fix those Guard arresting problems once and for all. Also, you can now release NPCs from jail by paying for their fines.
    1.78e – Some more bugfixes.
    1.78d – Fixed some bugs with an easter egg.
    1.78c – More bugfixes.
    1.78b – More bugfixes. Added in a new option to the Configuration Menu to turn on / off Guards knocking out the player.
    1.78a – More bugfixes.
    1.78 – This is a bugfix release only – no new features have been added. This release should fix bugs with Guards not arresting the player, Guards always trying to arrest the player immediately after getting out of jail. Several scripts have been partially optimized to put less stress on the Oblivion engine.
    1.77 – Made Corpse Carry a lessor power. Added in a new Spell Compatibility visual setting. Hopefully fixed issues with Guards not properly arresting the player under certain conditions.
    1.76 – Now NPCs will be arrested for committing any crime. The NPC Arrest system can now be turned on and off via the Configuration Menu. NPCs should no longer attack other NPCs who are being arrested. Added in a little display at startup message after upgrading that displays old version and new version.
    1.75 – Added in a setting to the Configuration Menu to change Guard behavior when player is sneaking. Added in a new system where NPCs will be arrested if caught committing a crime. Fixed some issues with NPC disposition not going down when you steal from them.
    1.74 – Fixed problems with Guards following you outside of towns, and being able to detect you when you are behind them.
    1.73 – Added in a 'Guard Naming' system that will give individual names to each Guard in every city. Will also give Female Guards (included via OOO or otherwise) unique names. This feature must be enabled through the Configuration Menu (General Settings -> Guard Naming.) Changed the Configuration Menu around a little bit.
    1.72 – Fixed problems with civilians in combat with guards. Other minor miscellaneous mishaps mended mercilessly.
    1.71 – Guards should now properly detect the player if they notice the player is sneaking around. Changed the way that the Corpse Carry spell works in order to avoid AutoRun issues. You now need to be sneaking to carry corpses.
    1.7a – Added a few checks to make sure that bounty is properly tallied when moving through cells.
    1.7 – Fixed problems with Guards and high disposition. Removed some bugs relating to Civilians. Added in some extra checks to make sure that configuration options are being set up correctly.
    1.69b – Fixed problems with Guards disappearing and popping up in random cells. Fixed initial start-up problems when creating a new game. Fixed Bounty Control problems. Removed messages that should not be printed in Release.
    1.69a – Fixed some minor errors. Added some additional checks on guards and crime-gold. Made a minor change to the Configuration Menu.
    1.69 – Did a round of testing with RGO and OOO 'Full.' Did not use any OOO-Addons. Found no problems as of yet – everything worked as expected. Fixed some lingering issues regarding Guards and pickpocketing. Fixed some problems concerning civilians spamming voice messages.
    1.68a – Fixed problems with civilians multiplying crimes committed by the player – crime gold should no longer fluctuate improperly. Fixed some problems with pickpocketing Guards and getting no response.
    1.68 – Fixed some errors concerning civilians and stealing. Made some changes to fix problems between RGO and other mods. Changed 'Spell Compatibility' to 'Mod Compatibility' in the Configuration Menu, while adding in a new feature – 'Bounty Compatibility' to the 'Mod Compatibility' menu.
    1.67d – Corrected an error with the guards attacking the player on sight. Added extra options to the Configuration Menu to completely remove all crime-gold, both 'vanilla' crime-gold and the crime-gold RGO tracks.
    1.67c – Fixed a problem with guards not attacking the player under certain conditions.
    1.67b - Fixed some problems with civilians. Guards will now follow you if they see that you are sneaking. If you stop sneaking, they will walk away.
    1.67a - Fixed problems found in 1.67. Bounty is now directly related to if a 'knowing' guard sees the player. The crime-gold from different guards stacks. Also worked on the Disguises system, and it should function properly once again.
    1.67 - Changed code so that crime gold is more dynamic - if no 'knowing' guards actually see the player, then the player has no bounty. Fixed some problems with guards not properly stopping attacks (and trying to arrest again) if the player does not have a weapon out.
    1.66c - Fixed some problems concerning attacking civilians. Also fixed a bug related to bribing guards.
    1.66b - Hopefully fixed some problems that have been reported by users concerning the Configuration Ring.
    1.66a - Fixed a problem that occurred when alternate-start mods were used with RGO. Now RGO should function properly when alternate-start mods are used alongside RGO.
    1.66 - Fixed some problems with NPC detection. Changed Thieves Guild Doyans result scripts so that they will remove all crime gold, from every city.
    1.65a - Fixes to new infamy system. Fixed some problems with the Configuration Menu.
    1.65 - Many minor fixes. Infamy should no longer increase if you kill a Guard or civilian and no one sees the crime (infamy is modified by the amount of murders that have been witnessed.) Made several additions to the Configuration Menu, some are pretty experimental and may cause problems if used (particularly turning RGO on / off.) Player will no longer be expelled from Guilds after picking up an item.
    1.64b - Fixed messagebox issues. Fixed Arena / civilian fleeing issues.
    1.64a - Fixed some messagebox issues.
    1.64 - Removed the feature of Guards knocking out the player, due to bugs. Will hopefully find a fix later. Corpse Carry now will allow you to carry actors through load doors (it works this time.) Fixed issue with default values not being applied to the game properly. Added in a new section to the Configuration Menu that allows values to be reset to defaults.
    1.63 - Fixed some CTD issues. Fixed some problems with stealing / picking up items. Guards will now go to speak to shopkeepers if the shopkeeper has seen you stealing their items, and the Guard will then know what you look like and be able to arrest you (so long as you are not wearing a Disguise.) Also fixes a problem with invincibility after going to jail. Made the Guard Configuration Ring a Quest item.
    1.62b - Added in more Visuals to choose from in the Spell Compatibility menu.
    1.62a - Fixed problems with Spell Compatibility. Supreme Magicka and RGO 1.62a should now play nice together - no more purple bubbles.
    1.62 - Bugs in 1.61 have been fixed. Added Spell Compatibility, and fixed blackout issues. Also changed the way that civilians interact with Guards, and how civilians react to the player stealing their stuff. Guards investigating dead corpses has been disabled due to multiple problems.
    1.61 - Fixed 'steal' bug.
    1.6 - Major bugfixes. Changed how Configuration Menu is accessed. Added Bandit Disguise. Allowed Corpse Carry to work between load doors. It is now possible to pick up items without being arrested by the Guards or yelled at by shopkeepers. A patch for Shivering Isles has also been created that allows RGO to function properly in the Shivering Isles.
    1.59d - Pit Helmets are gone (it works this time!)
    1.59c - Hopefully fixed the CTD issue.
    1.59b - Fixed some bugs / little glitches / big glitches caused by 1.59a. CTDs should be gone, and Pit Helmets have been removed from all NPCs. Except the ones who should be wearing the Pit Helmets, of course.
    1.59a - Fixed some nasty bugs. This is just a bug-fix release, no new content has been added.
    1.59 - Fixed Wilderness bug. Fixed bug where bounty gold was not removed after legally getting out of jail.
    1.58 - Attacking guards now works properly. Fixed a nasty bug surrounding Essential Guards (whereby they would get up and keep attacking the player.)
    1.57 - Should now work properly with patch 1.2 / Shivering Isles. There is a bug still remaining in the code that I am still trying to work out, but most should not experience it.
    1.56 - Fixed a nasty bug that was caused by the latest patch (not the devs fault, though.) Some other changes, nothing major.
    1.55 - Added back in the Guild function of the Disguises. Fixed some bugs, including Guards fleeing when they shouldn't.
    1.54 - Major bugfixes: Fixed Arena bug, fixed player detection bug. Added in the ability to bribe Guards to leave their posts.
    1.53 - Changed around crime system to make it more compatible with other mods (in theory.) Worked with scruggsywuggsy the ferret to make the mod compatible with Thieves Arsenal (again, in theory.) Fixed some bugs. Added in yet another easter egg.
    1.52 - Fixed some Guard issues. Now if you attack a guard long range, either with a spell or an arrow, they will search for you. They will also recruit other Guards in the area to help hunt for you. If they catch you, they will try and arrest you.
    1.51 - Ren forgot to add in a ring. All you kleptos were probably having a field day with this one. Well not anymore! :p
    1.5b - Major bugfixes.
    1.5a - This is what happens when Ren forgets to double-check certain NPCs.
    1.5 - Implemented Wanted Posters, better Civilian Witnesses, fixed a few nasty bugs and added in one or two Easter Eggs for you all to find. Also, the particular item that you get at the end of the Thieves Guild is no longer its own Disguise (unless you change it via the console.)
    1.49a - Bugfixes with Guards and Disguises.
    1.49 - Fixed some jail bugs where the Guards were arresting the player again after getting out from jail. Fixed some problems with a certain Thieves Guild item, making it part of my Disguises set (all you have to do is equip this item and it is automatically recognized as a Disguise, and is currently bound by all those rules.)
    1.48 - Shady Sam now has the Corpse Carry spell to sell. Also, the Configuration Menu has gotten an overhaul. Fixed some folder issues with the one NIF item I have in the mod. Fixed some problems with default settings not being set up if the Configuration Menu was not loaded.
    1.47 - Fixed some bugs relating to the Configuration Menu.
    1.46 - Fixed Corpse Carry spell, as well as making Disguises work correctly if the Regional Crime System is turned off.
    1.45 - Major changes: 1. Added in Disguises. 2. Added in Configuration Menu. 3. If you are carrying a body using the Carry Corpse 'spell,' Guards will try to arrest you if they see you carrying the body. 4. Other fixes.
    1.43 - Changed timing on some quests to make them work in more situations.
    1.42 - Added code so that civilians coming to your aid during battles wouldn't cause all the Guards in the area to attack, thus bringing them to you.
    1.41 - Bugfixes.
    1.4 - Mod code 99% new. New features, such as corpse stench + corpse carry spell, added. Read through the Readme for more details.
    1.35a - Bugfixes.
    1.35 - Finally figured out the way to fix those CTDs while working on 1.4, decided to release a fix for 1.3 while continuing work on 1.4.
    1.3 - Fixed problems with Guards and civilians reporting crimes incorrectly. This will be the final release for some time, as I'm looking to completely re-write the code, unless there are many bug fixes needed.
    1.25 - Enabled Guard flee behavior. Tried to fix some of those nasty CTDs.
    1.2 - Disabled Guard flee behavior, since it isn't working correctly. Fixed bugs with non-city bounties (non-city bounties can only be cleared through the Thieves Guild at the moment.) Changed the Tokens from Misc items to non-playable Rings. Added in an on/off 'switch' for the Regional Bounties system (set RenGuard.RegionalSystem to 1 turns off the Regional Bounty system.)
    1.11 - Fixed Guard flee behavior.
    1.1 - Some real quick bugfixes plus some additional regional-bounty related stuff added in.
    1.0 - Finally out of beta! Lecterns have been added to each city Dungeon (except Kvatch) and 24 hours after you commit a crime, a note will be added to the Lectern, and all the city guards will be aware of your crime in that city. Removing the note and waiting 24 hours will remove your bounty from that town and all the Guards will cease to arrest you until you commit another crime.
    0.99 - Compatible with Reneer's Disguises Mod, created a Regional Bounty system for the mod.
    0.98b - Another major bugfix.
    0.98a - Major bugfix!
    0.98 - Finally fixed 1000 Bounty for killing lone Guards. Guards will no longer attack you on sight if you attack a Civilian with only your fists. Made sure that Token Rings (Civilian and Guard) cannot be added to the player. Hopefully fixed some bugs that crashed Oblivion. Escaping from the Guards and coming back should work correctly.
    0.97 - Changed from ability spells to token items. Civilian (any non-creature that isn't a Guard) script put in place. If player attacks or murders a Civilian (in cold-blood,) they will simply attack the player instead of going into dialogue.
    0.96a - More bugfixes.
    0.96 - Bugfixes.
    0.95 - Bugfixes, made it so that Guards will chase you and quit only if you are out of their sight for 3 seconds (this avoids distance problems.)
    0.94 - Bugfixes, tweaks, and made it so that if you are in jail, the guards will kill you rather than trying to simply put you back in your cell.
    0.92 - Added 'Witnesses' to the mod. Hopefully reduced script processing times.
    0.9 - Initial Release.


    8. Credits

    Für Neurosis404 das Übersetzen der Readme ^^

    Hier der Link zum Orginal auf Nexus.

    WICHTIG: OBSE und Pluggy sind Optional, das bedeutet, sie werden nicht zwangsläufig für das Spielen der Mod benötigt, aber unterstüzen die Mod, z.B. für eine bessere FPS Rate etc.

    So und nu viel spass beim Spielen. ;)

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 30. Juli 2010
    Thraxas, Nordländer, Gottlauch und 18 anderen gefällt das.
  2. Werbung (Nur für Gäste)
  3. Suzie Q

    Suzie Q Ehrenmitglied

    Hallo Shadow-King,

    vielen Dank für die Übersetzung.

    Dir ist in der ReadMe ein kleiner Flüchtigkeitsfehler passiert:

  4. THErealPAT

    THErealPAT Gebannter Benutzer

    oh...hail dir shadow-king!!! endlich kann ichs benutzen^^
    edit: jetzt gibts mecker:evil: der Leichen tragen zauber und der config-ring haben beide kein icon :p
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 12. Juli 2009
  5. Shadow-King

    Shadow-King Reisender

    Ups, hab ich doch glatt noch was übersehen. ^^
    Gefixt. :p

    Das der Configring kein Icon hat ist so gewollt, aber der Leichentragezauber müsste ein Scriptefect Icon Haben. :?

  6. THErealPAT

    THErealPAT Gebannter Benutzer

    achso nagut...aber der zauber hat definitiv nichts. wird übrigens als allerletztes geladen
  7. Diarrhoe

    Diarrhoe Vertrauter

    Ahh, sehr schön...
    Mal eine Übersetzung die (hoffentlich) funktioniert... Ich warte aber lieber noch ein bisschen bis alles gefixt ist mit meinem Download :roll:
  8. Meclaton

    Meclaton Bürger

    Super, Vielen Dank. Kann man sehr gut gebrauchen. :)
  9. Shadow-King

    Shadow-King Reisender

    Da is alles gefixt, und funktioniert auch alles, ich habs 4 Tage getestet. :lol:

  10. THErealPAT

    THErealPAT Gebannter Benutzer

    tja, dann bin ich wohl einfahc zub ehindert :D is aber auch nich weiter schlimm
  11. bjoernret

    bjoernret Hausbruder

    Danke für die Übersetzung :good:
  12. TheSentinel

    TheSentinel Ehrbarer Bürger

    Danke fürs Übersetzen, Shadow-King! Wird gesaugt!
  13. das übersetzen ist ja schön und gut, aber das ist doch schon die neuste version von reeners guard overhaul, oder??

    da gibts nämlich noch eine, die v17.b oder so ähnlich, die wurde schonmal übersetzt...

    welche ist das hier?
  14. Codas

    Codas Vertrauter

    Das hier ist v1.93 die aktuellste ist anscheinend v1.94 und die die du meinst ist schon etwas älter ^^
    1 Person gefällt das.
  15. Unbekannter

    Unbekannter Ehrbarer Bürger

    Anscheinend wurde auch das Problem mit übeflüssigen und vergessenen Scripts gelöst, das ich in einem Thread hiervon, aber ein anderer (Ich finde ihn nicht mehr) angesprochen hatte. Danke
  16. Shadow-King

    Shadow-King Reisender

    Jop mit der nähsten Übersetzung wird aber bis v 1.95 oder v 2.0 gewartet. :D

  17. THErealPAT

    THErealPAT Gebannter Benutzer

    sry aber das hat mich schon immer an deiner sig gestört^^
    "The King is death. Long live the King!"-> Der König ist (der) Tod! Lang lebe der König!"
    du meinst wohl eher dass er tot ist...und nicht dass er der sensenmann is :D

    es klappt jetzt übrigens alles (ausser dem einen icon) alles bei der mod...gute übersetzung, großartige mod^^
  18. Shadow-King

    Shadow-King Reisender

    OT: So Nun besser? :-D

    Danke danke, aber das mit dem Icon bei die schnall ich wirklich nich. :?

  19. THErealPAT

    THErealPAT Gebannter Benutzer

    jap, so ist's richtig :p
    tja, is ja auch nich weiter schlimm, geht ja trotzdem alles
  20. Suzie Q

    Suzie Q Ehrenmitglied

    Die aktuelle Version ist nun auch hier zu finden :)
  21. Cyborg11

    Cyborg11 Ehrbarer Bürger

    Ich sehe gerade, dass die Version 1.97a draußen ist.
    Übersetzt du diese auch, Shadow-King?

    PS: Danke für die super Mod. Ohne dich hätte ich die wohl nie gefunden. :lol:
  22. Werbung (Nur für Gäste)
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