Release UNP Clothing Merchants

Dieses Thema im Forum "[Skyrim] Modveröffentlichungen" wurde erstellt von Kleiner Prinz, 9. November 2015.

  1. Kleiner Prinz

    Kleiner Prinz Ratsmitglied

    Für alle Frauen unter euch, die gern einkaufen gehen, möchte ich eine Mod in Erinnerung rufen, die im Jahr 2012 zum ersten Mal erschien, und die im Jahr 2014 & 2015 eine Erneuerung erfuhr.
    Auf Scharesoft habe ich leider nichts zu dieser Mod gefunden.
    Wohl wieder einmal eine schöne Mod, die in der Masse an Mods auf Nexus untergegangen war.
    Und dies, obwohl sie auf Nexus über 3000 ENDORSEMENTS erfuhr, und fast 150000 Total-Downloads.

    Ein "Wäsche-Kaufhaus", nur für die Frau !
    Die Dame von Welt kauft beim Londoner "Selfridges" oder "Harrods"!
    Was das "Selfridges" oder "Harrods" für London ist, dass ist die "Haffingar-Hall" für Himmelsrand !!!

    Eine echt phantastische Mod, mit über 1000 Artikeln.

    Wessen weiblicher Char dort einkaufen geht, der sollte zulassen, dass das Mädel seine Freundinnen dorthin mitnimmt. :D
    Denn diese wird sie, zum Einkaufstüten schleppen, benötigen. :lol:

    Dort bekommt der weibliche Char alles, was ihr Herz höher schlagen lässt.
    Vom Schmuck, über Schuhe & High Heels, bis hin zum Schnürmieder, Unterwäsche, und schöne Kleider in allen Farben.

    Ich habe Stunden dort zugebracht, bis ich mich durch alle Angebote geklickt hatte.
    Die Mod ist zudem rund 1,3 GB groß, inkl. aller Optionen.
    Da kann man sich vorstellen, was da eine Menge an Klamotten zur Verfügung steht.

    Verteilt wird das alles über mehrere Verkäuferinnen, da sonst die Menüs viel zu groß wären.

    In der Einkaufs-Pause, kann das Mädel an einem Feuer sitzen, etwas trinken und essen, und einer Bardin zuhören, und vieles mehr!

    Für mich gehört diese Mod zu den "Muss-ich-haben-Mods"!

    UNP Clothing Merchants by Foaman

    Mercantiles (Shops, Stores, Inns, Taverns, etc)

    Added: 27/09/2012 - 07:29PM
    Updated: 23/06/2015 - 02:03AM

    UNP Clothing Merchants by Foaman

    Mercantiles (Shops, Stores, Inns, Taverns, etc)

    Added: 27/09/2012 - 07:29PM
    Updated: 23/06/2015 - 02:03AM

    [SIZE=3pt]::::::::: My Other Mods ::::::::::[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]Olivia Wilde - Housecarl Replacer[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]Namaofs Watchtower - A Player Home[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]Hearthfire Alternative Library[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]Olivia Wilde - Standalone Follower[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]Angelina Jolie - Standalone Follower[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]Olivia Wilde - Nude Patches[/SIZE] ADULT
    [SIZE=2pt]Angelina Jolie - Nude Patches[/SIZE] ADULT
    [SIZE=2pt]Severus Jewelry Collection Merchant[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2pt]SED7 Accessories and Piercings Merchant[/SIZE] ADULT
    [SIZE=2pt]Adult Toys Merchant[/SIZE] ADULT

    ##### Changelog #####
    Check the READ ME section of this mod page for the detailed changelog

    ##### Release Notes #####
    Note: I encourage you to download the mods that I combined here just to endorse them, if it wasn't for these amazing modders, UCM wouldn't have existed

    -V4.0 of UNP Clothing Merchants includes all of the following mods-
    UNP Undies v1.5
    UNP Leather Clothes v1.0
    UNP Boots01 v1.0
    UNP Boots02 v1.0
    UNP Boots03 v1.0
    UNP Boots04 v1.1
    UNP Pantyhose01 v1.0
    UNP Simply Clothes v1.2
    UNP Jewelry v1.5
    Simply Top with Lingerie v1.0
    Ashara Princess of the Woods for UNP v5.2
    Ashara Dimonized Dress and Dragon jewelry for UNP v4.0
    Ashara Romantic Outfit for UNP v5.0(FEMALE OUTFITS ONLY, NO MALE OUTFITS)
    Bouncy Bodices and Booties UNP without BBP
    Bouncy Belts and Stockings addon
    UNP Boots Retexture v1.3
    TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim v1.91(FEMALE ARMORS ONLY, NO MALE ARMORS)
    Ursine Armor Pack UNP (NON-HDT version)
    Gwelda Armor Pack UNP(NON-HDT version)
    Sotteta Huntress Armor UNP (NON-HDT version)
    Witch Elf Armor - UNP by Squizzo
    Sotteta Necromancer Outfit(NON-HDT version)
    Tembtra Thief Armor(NON-HDT version)
    Merta Assassin Armor(NON-HDT version)
    Ashara Elven Knight
    Dragons Crown Sorceress Outfit
    And several items by IsharaMeradin

    ##### Features #####
    1- Use 1 mod (1 esm and 2 esps) instead of 27 different mods (31 different esms/esps)
    2- A custom location (Haafingar Hall) where you can find all the items and merchants
    3- Offering over 1000 items to choose from
    4- Renamed all the items for a much cleaner, clearer and organized inventory
    5- You can buy all the clothing included in this mod from 7 unique merchants
    6- You can craft almost all the items in this mod from their own crafting stations
    7- Changed most of the weights of all the items
    8- Changed most the prices of all the items
    9- A special rich merchant called Theodora can be found in the Honking Stone tavern after 6 pm that you can sell almost all kinds of crap to
    like gem stones and whatnot
    10- You can rent out 2 different rooms in the Honking Stone tavern, the empty chests inside them are safe for storage
    11- Haafingar Hall is completely follower friendly
    12- UCM contains all the mod files it needs and doesn't require any other mods to use, just a legit copy of skyrim
    13- UCM v4.0 and higher is 100% standalone and can be installed and used alongside any of the original mods that were included

    ##### Description #####
    What this mod does is combine several (27 so far) great UNP clothing mods into a single mod and a single large download, added new unique merchants that sells the items of these mods, added unique crafting stations to craft the items of these mods and finally added a custom location that houses all the merchants and their crafting stations. What this means is that they won't clutter your vanilla forges, tanning racks or vanilla merchants anymore.

    Did you ever at some point install so many clothing mods and forgot about them because each of them offered so many different ways to acquire the items? If yes then well, even a better reason to use this mod is that you can now find all these mods in a single place, you can buy them if you are rich or craft them if that's your thing, all in 1 place..

    Currently as of v4.0 there are 7 merchants in this mod,
    1- Petrovna which sells all the items that were made by Petrovich and several items by IsharaMeradin and AK boot retextures.
    2- Ashara which sells Princess of the Woods and Ashara Elven Knight.
    3- Victoria which sells Ashara Dimonized Dress + Dragon jewelry, Ashara Romantic Outfit for and Ashara Imperial Outfit.
    4- Bettina which sells the 5 armors from Brokefoot's UNP Mashup Compilation, Sotteta Huntress Armor and Tembtra Thief Armor.
    5- Tanata which sells the Temptress outfit, Gwelda Armor Pack, Sotteta Necromancer Outfit and Merta Assassin Armor.
    6- Fabiola which sells the Bouncy Bodices and Booties and Ursine Armor Pack.
    7- Teralia which sells the Tera armors, Witch Elf Armor and Dragons Crown Sorceress.

    All the merchants currently live inside Haafingar hall (it's on the road that leads to Solitude, check the mod images to know exactly where to find it) which is a completely new location I made for my current merchants and future ones as well, it consists of 6 areas, the Market/Entrance hall, a Blacksmith's Workshop, a tavern with 4 crew members and 2 gaurds and 2 special guests, a living area for the tavern's boss and his wives, merchant's living area and finally a living area for the UNP merchants..

    All the npcs in this mod have a full day AI packages, every1 is different and should feel unique.

    I have modified most the values of all the items to be more(or less) expensive based on their quality and uniqueness, final price will be determined by your haggling level and/or if you use an economics mod, I have also changed almost all of the item names to be MUCH clearer and will be much easier to organize in your inventory, I have modified almost all the crafting recipes as well, I may need to improve them better later on ..

    Most of the item slots have been unified so for example, all panties go in the same slot, all boots go in the same slot and so on.
    #Panties and Hotpants to slot 45
    #Pantyhose and Stockings to slot 54
    #Vests to slot 56
    #Belts to slot 52
    #Shorts, Pants and Butt flaps to slot 49
    #Mitts, Elbow wraps, bracelets to slot 34
    #Earrings to slot 43
    #Leg straps to slot 53
    #Pauldron and Scarfs to slot 44
    #Cloaks to slot 46
    #Armlets to slot 58 (Right and both) and 59 (left)
    #Boots, Upper body Lingerie, bodices, body armors and so on remain in their respective default slots
    #Collars to 35
    Note: On some items, a few slots were left the same as the original mods which may replace other unrelated parts of other outfits but that's because some outfits were broken down into too many individual parts which are supposed to be only worn together as a set, and wouldn't really work with others.

    Most of the items in this mod are craftable using their own unique crafting stations, if you want to craft any of them, you will find tanning racks and anvils near the booths in the market/entrance hall, I have also added a new tanning rack to only craft Leather and Linen, it's called "leather & Linen" (You are going to need it, A LOT).

    Clothing and Jewelry can't be crafted and can only be obtained from their merchant..

    If you encounter any issue related to my mod, report to me in the comments section..

    ##### Installation Instructions #####
    *******MAIN MOD*******
    UNP Clothing Merchants v4.0
    You do NOT need any other mod, all the needed files are included in my mod except the UNP body of course which you can grab from here (WARNING contains pictures not suited for minors)

    REQUIRES SKYRIM v1.9 or above
    1- I recommend that you download my mod Manually (Sometimes NMM fails to download large sized files)
    2- Add Part1 Meshes and Part2 Textures to NMM (I recommend you use NMM to install or a mod manager you trust)
    3- Install Part1 Meshes 1st then Part2 Textures
    (Note: if there are any updates, follow the instructions that will usually be in the top sticky comment)
    4- Make sure FM - HaafingarHall.esm and FM - HHall Exterior.esp and FM - UNP Merchants.esp are all active, I also suggest you use BOSS to sort out your load order.

    NOTE: B.O.S.S May give you a warning regarding the FM - UNP Merchants.esp, this warning is no longer valid as of v4.0 and higher, you can safely use UCM alongside any of the original mods now.

    [SIZE=2pt]********UPGRADING from v3.0 (and it's updates) to v4.0********[/SIZE]
    0- A clean save is REQUIRED.
    1- Sell anything you had from UCM
    2- Take any followers you may have left inside Haafingar Hall.
    3- Get out of Haafingar Hall and travel somewhere else.
    4- Make a real save and exit the game.
    5- Uninstall v3.0 (and any of it's updates and optional patches if you have them).
    6- Start the game, load your last save, accept the warning.
    7- Once in game, wait about 15 days, make a real save then close the game.
    8- Install v4.0 Part1 Meshes then Part2 Textures (if manually, simply extract both archives in the data folder, if you use NMM, install Part1 Meshes 1st then Part 2 Textures, if it asks do you want to upgrade say NO)
    9- I recommend that you run Boss to correct the load order for the esm and esps
    10- Launch the game and load your last save.
    11- Travel back to Haafingar Hall and enjoy

    [SIZE=2pt]********UPDATE FILE*********[/SIZE]
    If you use NMM to install then uninstall the previous update you had then download the new update update and install it, when asked to upgrade say NO, when asked to overwrite say YES

    If you install manually then just extract the contents of the update in your skyrim Data folder and overwrite when asked ..

    I will add any future updates to the main mod (to be in 1 file) after any major releases..

    ##### Uninstalling Instructions for v3.0 and v4.0 #####
    0- I suggest you sell everything you have bought so that you get some of your Gold back

    1- Leave Hafingaar Hall
    2- Save and close the game
    3- Uncheck the "FM - Haafingar Hall.esm, FM - HHall Exterior.esp and FM - UNP Merchants.esp" from NMM or whatever mod manager you use
    4- Start the game, load your last save, click yes on the warning
    5- Make a save in a new slot
    6- Close the game
    7- Deactivate the mod (delete it's files, either manually or through NMM if you use it)

    ## If manually ##
    v3.0 (and updates)
    -- \\Data\meshes\Petrov << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\Ashara << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\armor\bouncingbodice, bouncingbooties, bouncingbelts, bouncingsocks, bouncingworldmodels, Dandelion, Khantu, Leah, ScampsIron, Temptress, VickyA << Delete these folders
    -- \\Data\meshes\Clothes\bouncingbodice << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\TERAarmors << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\teraarmors2 << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\teraarmorsM2 << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\DX << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\armor\WitchElf << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\FM - HaafingarHall.esm<< Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\FM - UNP Merchants.esp<< Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\Petrov << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\Ashara << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\armor\bouncingbodice, bouncingbooties, bouncingbelts, bouncingsocks, bouncingworldmodels, Dandelion, Khantu, Leah, ScampsIron, Temptress, VickyA << Delete these folders
    -- \\Data\textures\Clothes\bouncingbodice << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\TERAarmors << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\teraarmors2 << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\teraarmorsM2 << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\DX << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\armor\WitchElf << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\FM - HaafingarHall.esm << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTintFM - UNP Merchants.esp << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\FM - HaafingarHall.esm << Delete this file
    -- \\Data\FM - UNP Merchants.esp << Delete this file
    -- \\Data\FM - HHall Exterior.esp << Delete this file

    -- \\Data\meshes\Foaman\UCM << Delete this Folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\FM - HaafingarHall.esm<< Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\FM - UNP Merchants.esp<< Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\Foaman\UCM << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\FM - HaafingarHall.esm << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\FM - UNP Merchants.esp << Delete this folder
    -- \\Data\FM - HaafingarHall.esm << Delete this file
    -- \\Data\FM - UNP Merchants.esp << Delete this file
    -- \\Data\FM - HHall Exterior.esp << Delete this file

    ##### Incompatible with #####
    v4.0 and higher, nothing that I know of ..

    v3.3 and lower is not compatible with any of the original mods that were included

    ##### FAQ #####
    #1 How many mods have you combined together here?
    - As of v4.0, 27 mods ..

    #2 Does this mod require any other mods to work, I see that you are using apachii hair but you never mentioned if it's required or not?
    - No, this mod is completely standalone, do not worry, the Apachii hairs I have used here are completely standalone and integrated into the mod itself so you don't need to have the Apachii hair mod installed at all, this mod will not conflict or cause duplicate hairs at all with ApachiiSkyHair.
    The only mod you need in order to wear the outfits in this mod is the UNP default body which is ofc not included here ..

    #3 When I wear this and that together, weird clipping happens, FIX IT!!!!!!
    - This is for users of the UNP body only, clipping issues are bound to happen if you use any other body type when wearing anything in this mod, keep in mind that although the clothing in this mod were made for the UNP body some pieces are not meant to me mixed together.

    #4 Can I install retexture mods for Ashara Princess of the Woods and Ashara Romantic Outfit for UNP?
    - Starting from v4.0 you will have to manually apply retextures because the folder structure is entirely different now.

    #5 HELP!! I'm unable to craft many of the items added by the bouncy bodices and booties mod, I don't see them in Fabiola's Anvil at all, as well as Tera armors/robes in Teralia's Anvil/Tanning Rack..
    - The recipes for the bouncy bodices and booties and Tera armors requires certain smithing perks, normally I used to remove the perks in all previous versions of this mod but this time I decided to keep them because I increased the defense of the bodices a lot and it would have felt like cheating if I left them without specific smithing perks, the perks needed to craft the bodices range from Iron to Daedric, if you don't wanna wait till you have these perks then you can always buy whatever you want directly from the merchants, this is what this mod is for anyways ..

    #6 When I try to install v4.0 of this mod through NMM it gives me an error that says "The execution has failed due to the bug in the SevenZipSharp", How to fix it?
    A- Check how much free space you currently have on the same partition where the game is installed (v4.0 requires around 5.44gb of disk space)
    B- In case you don't have 7zip then download and the install 7zip version 9.20 (google it, it's free and great)
    D- If you do have 7zip v9.20 already, have enough free space to install the mod but NMM still refuses to install the mod then install the mod manually by extracting the contents of the archive directly inside the skyrim Data folder
    Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data << drop everything here

    #7 Why are the Tera helmets invisible?
    - That's how they came from the original mod, they have no meshes, the good thing about this is that at least now you get to enjoy your beautiful hair, the bad thing is that you will be able to wear more than one helmet at the same time, so in order not to break the game balance, don't wear more than 1 helmet.

    #8 Why are the world models of the Tera armors acting weird and funky?
    - This is an old issue that was in the an old Tera armors version, most of the world model meshes should be acting normal in v3.0 and above of this mod.

    #9 No matter how many times I download this mod and no matter which server I download from, the archive is always corrupt and won't open or extract the files, what do I do?
    - If NMM fails to download the mod correctly, try downloading manually with a different download manager like Internet Download Manager (IDM) or something else, make sure whichever downloading program you use doesn't split the file it's trying to download while downloading, for example in the case of IDM go to Downloads>Options>Connection> Max Connections Number> choose 1 then click ok and try to download with it.

    #10 While trying to download v4.0, the archive seems to be corrupt or smaller in size no matter how many times I download it, what could be the problem?
    Since the files weren't scanned by the AV scanner integrated into Nexus due to their large size (they don't have viruses fyi), some AVs block the ability to download it. So just turn off the file protector or put nexus as an exception and then proceed to download.This solution was reported bythatgamerartist

    ##### My rules #####
    1- I didn't make any of the meshes/textures included in this mod, all belongs to their respective authors, please refer to their mod pages and ask the original authors to check for the permission rights..

    2- If you want to modify or use the Tera armor assets you need to contact asianboy345 AND En Masse Entertainment

    2- The only things that belong to me are the esm, esps inside this mod, If you would like to make patches for this mod (to publish), feel free to do so as long as they are addons over this mod (separate esps), but don't modify any assets (meshes/textures) before getting permission from their respective authors.

    4- Do NOT upload this mod on any other site, it's nexus exclusive

    ##### Credit and Thanks#####
    Petrovich, IsharaMeradin, SydneyB, Dimon99, Brokefoot, dikr, MrTroubleMaker, Turbosundance, MAK07, Apachii, ServantOfSin, belisariu, cazy, zzjay, AncientKane, asianboy345, Deserter X (AKA nsk13), Mitosuke, Squizzo, zzjay, PeggyZone, LaughingVampire, harokyang SourAndSweet, arison_c, ChronoTrigger77, backsteppo, En Masse Entertainment, Allannaa, Uglykidcid, xp32, kurese, Silver0236, pringles89, Tiwa44, anano, NPR, Beazalbob69, Jojjo, Nexxon, ngabber, Stroti & Tamira, TES5Edit team, Nifskope team and Bethesda

    I sincerely apologize if I have missed any1, please pm me if you were a contributor to any of these mods and your name isn't here.

    -> Credit goes to Petrovich for allowing me to include his mods here
    -> Special thanks goes to IsharaMeradin for allowing me to publish his new clothes (which are based on Petrovich) and for his continued help and guidance
    -> Special thanks and full credit goes to SydneyB for allowing me to include her beautiful mods here
    -> Credit goes to the amazing dimon99 for his UNP Modder resources which are used in almost all of the mods I have included here
    -> Special thanks and full credit goes to Brokefoot for allowing me to include his Brokefoot UNP Mashup Compilation and Temptress outfit
    -> Special thanks and full credit goes to dikr, MrTroubleMaker and Turbosundance for allowing me to include Bouncy Bodices and Booties UNP
    -> Credit goes to AncientKane for allowing me to include his Petrovich boot retextures UNP Boots Retexture v1.0
    -> Full credit goes to all those who participated in converting the original Tera armors to skyrim, more specifically
    asianboy345 for his mod TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim

    -> Credit goes to Deserter X (AKA nsk13) for allowing me to include his Ursine Armor Pack UNP, Sotteta Huntress Armor UNP and Gwelda Armor Pack
    -> Credit goes to Squizzo for allowing me to include his Witch Elf Armor
    -> Credit goes to Deserter X (AKA nsk13) and Mitosuke for allowing me to include Sotteta Necromancer Outfit, Tembtra Thief Armor and Merta Assassin Armor
    -> Credit goes to backsteppo for his mod Dragons Crown Sorceress Outfit
    -> Special thanks to the TES5Edit team for making the lives of modders so much easier
    -> Special thanks to the Nifskope team for their great tool which made editing nif files very convenient and easy
    -> Credit goes to MAK07 for the meshes of the belts added by the Bouncy Belts and Stockings addon
    -> Special thanks and full credit goes to Apachii for allowing me to use some of her hair styles from ApachiiSkyHair
    -> Special thanks goes to Allannaa for making the Haafingar Hall sign for me
    -> Credit goes to ServantOfSin for allowing me to include his BBP meshes of Brokefoot's Mashup compilation
    -> Credit goes to MrTroubleMaker for allowing me to include his UNPB BBP conversions of brokefoot's mashup and Bouncy bodices and booties
    -> Credit goes to belisariu for allowing me to include his UNPB BBP conversion of Ashara Princess of the Woods
    -> Credit goes to belisariu for allowing me to include his UNPB BBP conversion of Witch Elf Armor
    -> Credit goes to Silver0236 for allowing me to include his TERA Armors for Skyrim - UNPB with BBP conversion
    -> Credit goes to pringles89 for allowing me to include his Ashara Imperial Outfit UNP TBBP conversion
    -> Credit goes to ngabber for his UNPB BBP conversion of Tembtra Thief Armor UNP and Merta Assassin Armor UNP
    -> Credit goes to xp32 for his UNPB BBP coversion of Dragons Crown Sorceress Outfit
    -> Credit goes to Tiwa44, brokefoot, SydneyB, Petrovich, anano, Apachii, Beazalbob69, harokyang SourAndSweet, arison_c, ChronoTrigger77 and NPR for their assets that were used in the Ursine Armor Pack, Sotteta Huntress Armor, Gwelda Armor Pack, Sotteta Necromancer Outfit, Tembtra Thief Armor and Merta Assassin Armor
    -> Credit goes to Jojjo and Nexxon for their assets that were used in the Witch Elf Armor
    -> Credit goes to cazy and zzjay for their hair styles Cazy hairs and demoness hairs
    -> All assets that were converted from Tera Online are copyrighted to En Masse Entertainment and belongs to them
    -> Special thanks to Uglykidcid for reporting issues, testing the mod and for his support
    -> Credit goes to KURESE for his involvement in the making of the Ashara Imperial Outfit as well as brokefoot
    -> Full credit goes to xp32 for his TERA Boots n Greaves - HDT and credit to uglykidcid for converting the patch for UNP Clothing Merchants
    -> Special thanks to all those who have endorsed the mod and to those who have posted beautiful screenshots

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    Hier noch ein paar Bilder von mir:

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    Jorgodan, FROSTY10101, Basjk und 2 anderen gefällt das.
  2. Werbung (Nur für Gäste)
  3. Nessi

    Nessi Reisender

    Du hast Recht. :win:

    Das ist ein Kaufhaus, was keine Wünsche offen lässt.
    Ich habe jetzt über eine Stunde nur Verkaufsangebote durchgeblättert, und habe immer noch nicht alles gesehen.
    Für meinen Geschmack ist auch kein Schund dabei, sondern das sind alles schöne Sachen.

    Dieses von dir, sogenannte Kaufhaus, steht auch an einem perfekten Platz, nämlich vor den Toren von Einsamkeit, also besser gesagt in der Nähe davon.
    Der Platz ist gut gewählt, wie ich finde, und der Eingang passt sich gut dem Umfeld an, und stört nicht.

    Die Idee von dem Mod Ersteller ist auch super.
    Er hat unzählige gute Mods in einem Kaufhaus zusammengefasst.
    Dies aber nicht einfach nur per >Merge<, sondern neu überarbeitet, in einem eigenen Konzept.

    Halt in Form dieses, ich nenne es jetzt einmal wie du, Kaufhaus, wo man von Ashara über Tera bis Temptress, einfach alles aus einer Quelle erhalten kann. :good:
    Es sind sogar Sachen dabei, die ich längst vergessen habe, dass es sie noch gibt. :idea:

    Eine super Mod, die mir zudem auch die Installation einer Menge anderer Schmuck, Kleidung und Rüstung Mods erspart. :!:
    Vielen Dank! :flower:
    Jorgodan, Kleiner Prinz und FROSTY10101 gefällt das.
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