Battlespire:Brief an die Feuerdaedra

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Diese Seite enthält den Text des Zettels Brief an den Feuer-Daedra (Originaltitel: Letter to Fire Daedra) aus The Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire.


Letter to Fire Daedra
Brief an den Feuer-Daedra[1]
by Herne
von Herne
For all Feydra's vassals, our Hounds.
You shall not return to the Chapel until the hunt is resolved, and the quarry's corpse is borne in to rest upon the altar.
Remember, you are The Greater Hounds. You are to pursue and harry the quarry but must not kill it. That honor shall be Egahirn's only.
Keep your amulets about you, the quarry is wily.
Now go, and run well, for the Hunt is a thing of beauty.


  1. Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde von unter Namensnennung-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 veröffentlicht.