Battlespire:Briefe für den Lehrling - Brief V

Aus Tamriel-Almanach
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Brief IV Briefe für den Helden von Battlespire Brief VI

Diese Seite enthält den Text des fünften Briefes für den Helden von Battlespire (Originaltitel: Letters for the Battlespire Hero) aus The Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire.


Letters for the Battlespire Hero
Briefe für den Helden von Battlespire[1]
Letter V
Brief V
I'm with a group of Daedra with cloaks and hoods. Still careless, don't seem to expect trouble, but this disguise thing is too risky. When I get a chance, I'll slip off and follow under spell concealments.
This place is crawling with spooks and bones. They call this place the Soul Cairn. The chief -- heard one call him "Lord Something-or-Other Moath" -- sent troops out to scout. The report is simple: DO NOT FOOL WITH THE WRAITHS! They cannot be killed or destroyed. Period. Sounds like a good policy. These daedra troops look pretty tough, but they aren't making a dent in the wraith things. So stay clear of them.
Our next stop is someplace called Shade Perilous. Not sure after that. A couple of my Daedra companions had little accidents; I snatched their plunder. When I get a chance, I'll sort it out. Anything extra or dangerous I'll dump along the way for you. I'm leaving you two Spell Restoratives here; I got plenty extra. Keep your eyes out, and watch yourself.

Brief I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII


  1. Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde von unter Namensnennung-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 veröffentlicht.