Oblivion:Orum's Aquatic Escape Tome

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Diese Seite enthält den Text von Orum's Aquatic Escape Tome aus The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


Orum's Aquatic Escape Tome

Orum's Aquatic Escape

<IMG src=„Class\Attributes\load_image_illusion_small.dds“ width=68 height=61>School of Illusion

Skill: Journeyman Range: Self


<IMG src=„Icons\Magic\illusion_icons\invisibility_illusion.dds“ width=68 height=61>Invisibility, 15 seconds on Self

<IMG src=„Icons\Magic\illusion_icons\night_eye_illusion.dds“ width=68 height=61>Night Eye, 15 seconds on Self

<IMG src=„Icons\Magic\alteration_icons\water_breathing_alteration.dds“ width=68 height=61>Water Breathing, 15 seconds on Self